Our spiritual walk is our personal time with God. It is our personal time, but together. We enjoy our walks in silence, and observing the beautiful scenery that God has blessed us with on this earth. We embrace God's love, peace, light, guidance and truth. We can receive that anywhere, but experiencing it in nature is very peaceful. It isn't only a walk. We are on a mission to build with God, through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We leave all troubles and worries behind, eliminating what does not align with God. We use this time to listen for when God is speaking to us. Our walks are not only for quiet time. We share laughter and share talks about the goodness of God.
During the warm season, after our walks, we gather around to have a picnic. Sharing conversation about our upcoming events. You never know what you will experience when you are spending quiet time with the Lord. Thanks be our Heavenly Father, we experience him many times. Whether it be the outdoors in nature or in the comfort of your home, you can experience him. At Christ Armada of Ambassadors World Ministries, we understand the importance of unity. We understand that one cannot do it alone. We understand that sometimes we have to fight for the one who isn't able to fight for themself (spiritually). We understand that God wants us to be there for one another. We endure it (great things) all during our spiritual walks. The children of God are stronger together. We leave you with this meaningful and true scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. Open your Bibles and have a read!